yoni Steam Playlist

Here’s a 60 min playlist for you to get settled into your body and to drop into your steam journey


An outline for how to follow

Track 1 - Echoes - Take some breaths into your body and bring gentle nourishing movement in

Track 2 - Rise - Bring in some hip swings, spirals, circular movements, let your body be liquid and respond to your bodies’ intuitive needs

Track 3 - The Jasmani Garden - prepare your sacred space, connect with your heart and womb centres, tune into your intentions and prayers for your session

Track 4 - Crystalline City to Track 6 - Receiving Recalibration - your yoni steam - chill, read, sit in silence, meditate, or get yourself a Yoni Steam Meditation

Track 7 - Grounded & Track 8 - In Dreams - Rest and integrate your Experience