Reclaim Your Power Ritual call back your power

Here's a 20 minute Power Reclamation Ritual for you to actively call forth and reignite your power.

You can do this any time you like - in fact taking time daily to actively clear your energy field and create space for fresh new life force + potential to percolate is essential womb care.

I would especially recommend if you are feeling depleted, wiped, confused, disoriented, pulled in a million directions to come back to this as a centering + grounding practice and to let your body process what it needs to.


The creational field of the womb space is potent. It is a portal of consciousness that works on a physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic level to transform all that is not love. It holds the codes of life, death and re-birth by it’s very essence.

However - it can absorb + become clogged with all manner of outside energies - all of those obligations and responsibilities that tie you into the world beyond yourself… be that your work, your relationships, worldly matters. Of course this is a necessary part of engaging + interacting with life, however the womb space can subconsciously pick up energetic imprints that, over time can become burdensome.

If you know yourself to be an empath, you may find yourself absorbing others emotions + dramas and becoming overwhelmed with sh*t that isn’t actually yours to deal with, resulting in feeling stuck . The womb space acts as a psychic processing space as that is it’s primal function - to mother, hold, support, to offer her intuitive wisdom as healing balm. While you may be happy to hold this space in healthy dynamics - in partnership, as a mother, a space holder, in a position of responsibility, for a friend or family member - you want to ensure you are clarifying your energetic field regularly so you can enjoy + sustain your creative energy as your fuel, your power

Know that any time, in any situation YOU HAVE THE POWER. You hold the master keys. No-one can take that. from you. Despite what is going on in the world around you. You are a powerful creator, which is why it is essential you fine tune your capacity to listen deeply to the desires, dreams + needs of your womb space so that your potent creational power is focused on what is truly aligned for you.


Set aside around 20 minutes, where you won’t be disturbed and you feel safe to let go.

Create a sacred space - perhaps light a candle, clear the area with incense, burning herbs or resins.

Take a moment to centre yourself - ground your feet into the earth, relax your body, take 3 deep inhales + big sighing exhales. Place one hand on your heart and one on your womb space. Welcome yourself into this the experience.

Cue up this Release + Replenish Playlist


Play the first track - Creation by (((O))) - Let your body move as it wants to - drop your awareness into your body and set an intention to trust your body to do what it must.

Read the release statement: Release Statement

Play the 2nd track - Give it to Kali - Nick Mulvey - Shake it out. Anything. Everything. Use your hands to physically comb out and release energetic stagnancy + residue from your womb and your heart. Make sound. Go Wild.

Next, read the Receive statement: Receive Statement

Play the 3rd track - Bloom - CloZee- Dance into the space you’ve created. Open to receive your power, your truth, your love. Feel your body recalibrating + realigning. Allow love to permeate every cell.

Play the 4th track - Oh, I love you - Essie Jain - Soften, relax, embrace yourself. You may wish to move slowly or to lay down and feel held by the Earth. Rest and hold yourself in love.

Find your own way to complete your journey. State ‘It is done' or something along those lines. Giving thanks to your powerful body, bow down to your womb and heart.

Ease-fully move into your next activity, drink some water, be kind to yourself for the rest of the day + take time to journal anything pertinent.

Need to Dance it out a bit more?

Go to my Dancing Through The Density // Moving it Through playlist specially crafted to shift the funk and move it through, for difficult and complicated times.


Womb-Heart Meditation - 50 minutes

During this weeks’ Womb Meditation Wednesday (our weekly free/donation community gathering) I guided the group through a deep womb-heart connection journey, and from that deep place of connection we did the above release + receive ritual together.

Here is a recording for the journey, which is 50 minutes long. You may wish to have this as part of the above ritual or do this separately on another day.

More power to you my love.

Feel free to let me know how you get on!

Love, Raya xxx

Lorraine Keene